
Star wars the force awakens wiki han solo
Star wars the force awakens wiki han solo

star wars the force awakens wiki han solo

The hands are once again yellow, and the head and hair pieces are the same as the other variant released in this year. It features Han with a plain brown leg piece, and a white torso piece with black printing for outlining of the white shirt and yellow to depict skin. The second variant in 2000 for the 7104 Desert Skiff is based on the clothes Han wore shortly before and after being in carbonite. A common hairpiece is used for Han's hair, coloured brown. The hands and head piece are yellow for skin and printed on the head piece is black two dot-eyes, brown eyebrows and a black mouth shaped into a lopsided smile. The front of the torso piece has a white open-necked shirt and a black vest printed on it, with black also used for outlining. In the 7190 Millennium Falcon, Han had a blue leg piece, with black silver and brown printing on the top of the hip joint representing a belt, which continued down the right leg for a blaster holster. Three variants of Han Solo were released in 2000. 3.1.2 LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens.3.1.1 LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy.The design for the vessel was one of the last ones finalized, around the time that principal photography was wrapping up in late 2014. The Eravana appears in the 2015 film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. Immediately, Bala-Tik ordered his men to inform the First Order that Solo and the droid had escaped from the ship. They successfully escaped the gangs and jumped into hyperspace in the Falcon, leaving the Eravana in the hands of the Guavians. As the scuffle continued, Rey accidentally released three rathtars. They demanded that Solo hand over the droid and the fugitives. The smuggler tried but failed to convince both parties that he would fix things eventually, with the Guavian Death Gang negotiator, Bala-Tik, recognizing the BB unit from a First Order bounty placed on it and two fugitives. Not wanting Rey and Finn to be involved, Solo placed both of them in the lower corridors of the freighter while he and Chewbacca went to meet with the criminals, with BB-8 accompanying them. Han Solo's freighter, the Eravana, had been boarded by two notorious criminal factions, the Guavian Death Gang and Kanjiklub, whom Solo was indebted to.

star wars the force awakens wiki han solo

Han Solo and Chewbacca are confronted by two criminal factions aboard the Eravana. " Same thing I always do, talk my way out of it." ―Rey and Han Solo

Star wars the force awakens wiki han solo